Early Childhood Education

Our purpose is to use creativity, intuition and inspiration and get your creative juices flowing. Early childhood education is based on child’s creativity, preservation of the child’s joy of life and sensitivity, as well as child’s participation.  Child’s participation is valuable, because child’s mind represents truth and loyalty.

We want to get a comfortable state of mind and do our work with a calming effect. This brings us to another important aspect of early child education, our goal of creating inner peace and security for childhood.

Studies have found that we should enhance the person’s potential to think about things on a larger scale. This is why we want to strengthe childs professional skills. We will help a child to find his or her inner self and to dream and use her/his intuition. Dreams and soul landscapes prosper in its serenity.

We are a strong player in our field, since our practical know-how in early childhood is strong, versatile and inspiring. We have a strong sense of professionalism and expertise in the field of early childhood education, and we always act in the perspective that is best for the child by utilizing the latest research and various branches of science. Our goal is to create know-how and professional dialogue in early childhood education and strengthen the professional skills of the staff. This is done creatively and tailored for the need of the target audience.

Our Trainings:

  • Musical workshops for early childhood education / idea workshops, instrument workshops, impulse workshops, playtime workshops and singing workshops
  • Early childhood pedagogical education cafes / sharing knowledge
  • Early childhood sports – small spaces, outdoors, indoors, games / different environments
  • Wow – Early childhood idea workshops

Expertise in Education and Early Childhood Education

Lilla Saaristo, Master of Education, Kindergarten Teacher, Specialist in Competence-based Qualifications, NLP Practitioner

“Heptathlete of Training and Wellness”

Lilla Saaristo

Versatile background and strong know-how with experience in:

Kindergarten Teacher
Daycare Supervisor
Early Childhood Education Planner
Music Playschool Teacher
Creative Expression Teacher

“The Knowledge of Lilla is wrapped through peaceful and intuitive methods to a brilliant person who transmits sunny energy and whose courses you want to participate in. Strong expertise, captivating essence.”

Training examples

Early Childhood Music –
License to joke and involve!

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The goal of the musical workshop is to discover new things for early childhood education through, and to create through music more fun and significant weekdays. Music reinforces learning, interaction, emotional expression, concentration… the learned things go directly to the practical work at the end of the course – there are no transparencies, but instead there are many things to do! The motto of the workshop is: involve children and play music together! The participants get to play music and realize how easy it is to play music, whether you have musical background or not – music is available for everyone! Join and discover your musical self!

Read more and register for the course here!

MOVE – tips for sportive everyday life in early childhood education

The aim of the MOVE course is to increase the movement, and to build new kinds of learning environments to your own facilities. The course involves generating new ideas and things without prejudices. Limiting factors for the use of existing facilities are old behavioral models, attitudes, and the framework of physical education or lack of it. It is not worth to worry too much about these – we will create new through small and easy ways. Often, the solutions are right in front of our noses, but we don’t find them by ourselves – we need a common brain, which will help us to find exercise and see the possibilities of it! Course participants don’t have any requirements, everyone can participate in exactly as they are, and achieve the joy of exercise! Come and be inspired!

Read more and register for the course here!